Friday, November 19, 2010

Unity In Islamic World : CULTURAL DIFFERENCES:

Each of us is molded by whatever culture in which we grew up. As we grow and mature, we naturally become used to the style of dress, the types of food, hygiene, and the general cultural norms of our environment. By the time we are adults, we have become molded to the customs and lifestyles of the people of our own country. However, anyone who has moved from their own country to another country will notice many cultural differences. These differences can be minor, but many can be dramatically significant. For example, when coming to the United States from Saudi Arabia, there were so many differences in the culture, customs, and way of dressing. It was difficult for any one to feel comfortable at first. Vast differences in the culture and customs of the U.S. and Saudi Arabia can make adjustments.

Cultural difference is also a barrier in Muslim unity. Inhabitants of one Muslim country are not ready to change their cultures and traditions and adapt any change. There are number of cultural differences in Muslim countries like dressing manner, lingual differences, food, way of living etc. mode of dressing is different in different Muslim countries like in Saudi Arabia, Iran & Iraq its compulsory for a Muslim women to wear hijab and cover her body properly but in Pakistan, Bangladesh, Egypt, Dubai etc. its not necessary for a Muslim women to wear hijab. Mode of dressing also varies to the whether of that country.

The taste of food and spices are different in Muslim countries then others. Like in Pakistan lots of hot spices are used in desi food but in Iran and Iraq people eat very fewer spices.

Lingual differences are a cultural difference it means different languages spoken in different Muslim nations. Due to this divergence sometimes Muslims are unable to comprehend the point of view of other nations. Some Muslims are so much in love with their native languages that they repudiate to adopt another language. English is an...


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