Wednesday, December 15, 2010

AwakeinG ArticLe by sister Yvonne Ridley.

I’m not discussing the details whether the music is Haram or Halal but with joy at pleasure domes when there is so much brutality and suffering going on in the world today. The rivers of blood flow freely from the veins of our brothers and sisters from across the Muslim world.

Screaming and shouting the names of musical heroes drown out the screams coming from the dungeons of Uzbekistan where brothers and sisters are boiled alive in vats of water. How many will jump up and down and wave their arms in the air, shouting wildly for justice for our kin in Kashmir, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Palestine, and Iraq?

There are many more killing fields as well across the Asian and Arab world. Will you climb on theater chairs and express your rage over Guantanamo Bay and other gulags where our brothers and sisters are being tortured, raped, sodomized, beaten, and burned?

Oh, Muslims, wake up! The Ummah is not bleeding; it is hemorrhaging. Listen not to what is haram. Listen to the pain of your global family.


WAN the only one said...

nice article...she is true. Alhamdulillah Allah has shoe her HIS guidance. And now she come out to the world to open people's eyes the criminals that happen. we are global family. we have to take care towards each other. let not the real terrorist do the terrorism upon us.

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